Thursday, November 20, 2014

Try out this fun and high intensity treadmill workout!

It's important to work your heart, just like any other muscle in your body to live a healthy lifestyle. I tend to get cardio in 3-4 times a week! I love mixing it up, to confuse my body and constantly challenge myself! The treadmill is one of my favorite machines to work on when it comes to cardio. This is a high intensity, 25 minute cardio workout. I like to hit the weights, and finish with this one! Make sure you have water on hand, and really push yourself. Remember, its only 25 minutes, you can do it. Really try to breath and focus on getting your heart rate down during the jog. I didn't include a speed for the jog or the sprint because everyone is different. Test out what your jog speed and sprint speed are and work on increasing them. If this mights be a tough one for you, you can keep it at an incline of 0 your first time around and incorporate the inclines the next time you do it. The incline will really help tone your legs during this workout. Challenging yourself and beating your old numbers is part of the fun. I hope this one is as fun for you as it is for me! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cut your waist line by following these four great ab workouts!

Abs can be so tricky to get defined, or "cut up". You have to be very consistent. They are not only made from constantly working them out, but more so in the kitchen. These workouts will only help you out so far. Push yourself to target these muscles, but remember that if your not consistent with your diet as well, these workouts will not be as helpful as you may think. Also, make sure that you are mixing it up as much as possible. Don't do these everyday, maybe incorporate them into your routine twice a week or so and try out some of my other ab workouts that I've posted previously. I hope that these are helpful!

Workout One: While sitting, slightly lean back while extending your legs, then sit up and bring your legs into your chest and squeeze. This is one rep. Do this as many times as you can. challenge yourself. Then move onto workout 2. 

Workout Two: While standing, hold weight in one hand. I have an alb medicine ball in this picture, but if your at the gym, really strive to push yourself to use more weight if you can. Bend slightly towards the side with the weight and using your ab muscles, contract them to bend in the opposite direction. Do this as many times as you can, and switch sides. Always do the same amount on each side. You may then proceed to workout 3. 

Workout Three: While lying down, you can either keep your arms at your sides, as in the picture, or hold them behind your head for added difficulty. Using your lower ab muscles, raise your legs up toward the ceiling and slowly lower your back down to the ground. Repeat this as many times as you can and proceed to the last workout. 

Workout Four: While standing, bend one leg and bring it up to your opposite elbow, as in the picture, making sure to contract your abdominal muscle with each reach. You can either alternate sides with this one, or do as many as you can on one side and then switch, always making sure to do the same amount on both sides. When finished, repeat the circuit 3 more times! 

Make sure to stretch out your abs when you are finished. As always, I hope you enjoy!