We all long to have been born with those toned and beautiful arms like Jennifer Aniston, and Shay Mitchell but even they had to work hard to achieve them! I want to share with you a few simple arm workouts that you can do from your home or in the gym to really tone those arms. I use resistance bands and a medicine ball for a few of these, if you don't have them they are not too pricey. You can buy them at any sports or fitness store. I paid about $13 for the handles and $8 each for my 10lb and 20lb resistance bands and about $20 for the 6lb medicine ball. If you have small weights that work better for you, feel free to use them! I'll include the link to where I bought mine at the bottom of the post! Its really good to interchange the equipment that you use when working out because each one will target your muscles differently! I also use a kitchen chair for one of my workouts, but I'm sure you all have one handy :) I have included Six different sequences for arms, and I will explain how to do each one!
Sequence One: Start from position one (The center of the resistance band is under your feet, and you hold the handles with equal amounts of the band on each side), and curl one arm at a time, always returning to the first position before curling the next arm. I am using a 20lb resistance band, but you can use whatever works for you. Curl about 10-15 times each arm (or more if you can). Then proceed to Sequence Two.
Sequence Two: Start from position one again, and cross your arm over your chest to the opposite shoulder. Return back to position one and switch arms. Repeat this about 10-15 times on each arm (or more if you can), then proceed to sequence three.
Sequence Three: Start from position one again, and curl both arms at the same time 10-15 times (or more if you can), then proceed to sequence four.
These first three sequences will target your biceps.
Sequence four: Lay on the ground, like in position one, with your knees bent and your arms raised above your head with the weight in your hands. While keeping your triceps straight, just bend at your elbows, bringing the weight behind your head and slowly straighten it back up to position one. Repeat this 10-15 times (or more if you can). Then proceed to sequence five.
Sequence five: Start at position one holding the kettle bell, (or weights if you prefer), by your side. Then curl it, like in position two, and fully extend it above your head, while turning your fist outward. Then bring it back down to position two, and back to position one. Repeat this 10-15 times (or more if you can). Then proceed to sequence six.
Sequence six: Start at position one, with your legs extended and your arms bent behind you on the edge of a chair. (I have secured my chair on the yoga mat and against the wall so that it doesn't slide) Then extend your arms, and dip down again with your elbows at a 90 degree angle and repeat about 10-15 times (or more if you can).
Repeat from sequence one through six approximately 3-5 times.
Sequence's four and six are targeting your triceps, and sequence five is targeting your biceps and shoulders.