Thursday, November 20, 2014

Try out this fun and high intensity treadmill workout!

It's important to work your heart, just like any other muscle in your body to live a healthy lifestyle. I tend to get cardio in 3-4 times a week! I love mixing it up, to confuse my body and constantly challenge myself! The treadmill is one of my favorite machines to work on when it comes to cardio. This is a high intensity, 25 minute cardio workout. I like to hit the weights, and finish with this one! Make sure you have water on hand, and really push yourself. Remember, its only 25 minutes, you can do it. Really try to breath and focus on getting your heart rate down during the jog. I didn't include a speed for the jog or the sprint because everyone is different. Test out what your jog speed and sprint speed are and work on increasing them. If this mights be a tough one for you, you can keep it at an incline of 0 your first time around and incorporate the inclines the next time you do it. The incline will really help tone your legs during this workout. Challenging yourself and beating your old numbers is part of the fun. I hope this one is as fun for you as it is for me! Enjoy!

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