Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tone your ass with this booty blast!

Ladies, I know we all like our jeans to fit properly without them sagging in the butt area! This is an intense booty workout that will have your glutes screaming! You may not realize it but our butts are one of our greatest assets! It functions for strength, and you will thank me when your well into old age! If your up for a challenge, and not afraid to sweat than lets start toning that ass! Lets get those butts lifted and firm. Don't cheat yourself by giving up. Try and complete the entire circuit, and you can always add weight for a more challenging burn! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Intense cardio circuit that you can do AT HOME!

Yikes! It's been a little while since I've been able to post anything! I've been in the process of moving and my internet has been down for a short while! I wanted to get on and post a cardio circuit that I did yesterday in the privacy of my home! Its always great to be able to workout in a variety of places. I realize that the gym may not be for everybody. I love being able to incorporate great workouts and cardio for people to do at home! This can always be done in the gym if you'd like, but I know that some people aren't comfortable enough to do that yet. This workout will only be as intense as you allow it to be, so push yourself! Don't give up and don't allow it beat you! Your in your home, no one can see what you look like. Don't let the sweat bother you! So here it is, a really intense cardio circuit that you will either love or hate!