Monday, March 10, 2014

Sweat it out with this ab and cardio mix-up!

In my opinion, cardio and abs go hand in hand. It's really important to keep your abdominal muscles tight while you are engaging in cardio activities. You can definitely get a full ab workout during cardio, just from strengthening those muscles in every movement. This is one of my favorite circuits to do because it is a lot of cardio, it gets your body moving, your blood pumping and sweat rolling! I want to explain what some of these are before we get started.

"Soccer ball" Touches- Visually imagine a ball on the ground and you are interchangeably tapping your toes on it back and forth. This is something we used to do when I played and it is great cardio and good for your core.  
Heel touchers- exactly what they sound like. You are layer on your back and reaching for your heel from side to side. 
Good luck! I had a lot of fun with this one! Don't give up on yourself, if you need to stop and rest, do so! Just make sure that you see the reps all the way through!! ;)

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