Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Squats: Strong Quads Under Ass and Totally Sexy!

Sometimes we may pray that this horrible workout will go away, but unfortunately its the best out there for tightening the gluteus muscle (your butt) and the hamstrings/Quads (your thighs). The great thing about squats is that there are many ways to do them: with weight, without weight, with one leg, or both,  on a machine, or without. Squats are what make our butts look totally sexy, and great in anything we wear.  The key to getting results from the squat, is by doing it correctly. You can be doing it any one of these ways but if you aren't maintaining correct form your asking to get injured or to just be wasting your time. You will know you have done it correctly when you wake up the next day and you can barely get out of bed, or walk because your butt and thigh muscles are too tight. If you ever experience lower back pain, you are either using too much weight, or you are not in proper form. I have come up with an image that will show you what proper form looks like and hopefully you are able to take from it and incorporate proper form into your squats because ladies we all need to be doing them! ;) Always remember this super fun acronym SQUATS: Strong Quads Under Ass and Totally Sexy! These are all the parts that a squat touches and its totally worth it!

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