Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I started this blog in hopes of inspiring and motivating my friends and family to choose a healthy lifestyle. My goal is to provide some of my favorite workout tips, food recommendations, inspirational photos and  quotes; and to try and keep it fun! Living a healthy lifestyle isn't always easy. We are always going to be tempted by bad food, and friends and sometimes our schedules don't allow a lengthy workout, not to imagine the driving time to and from the gym. While working full time and going to school full time, I managed to come up with some workouts that are fairly quick, easy and you are able to do them at home. I also have had plenty of time to go to the gym, so for you gym goers, I will include workouts that can be done in the gym setting. I hope that this page will inspire you to get up and start taking care of yourself; the way you deserve to be treated! Now lets have some fun!

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