Saturday, February 15, 2014

Healthy protein packed smoothie to help you slim down!

Smoothies are my go to before, and after the gym and also when I need a light snack. They are great for providing the nutrients that you need to keep going but are low in fat and added sugars. They can be made with frozen or fresh fruit, and pretty much any combination that sounds good to you! Try to steer away from any frozen fruit that has added sugars because this will defeat the purpose of being healthy and it will not help you slim down.  If you are going to have one before or after the gym, I recommend adding one scoop of your favorite protein to the mix. This will help with muscle recovery and prevent soreness. If you are using it as a meal replacement, I also recommend using the protein, so that you are getting enough nutrients and calories in your diet. This is low fat and delicious smoothie recipe thats very simple to make and I just wanted to share it will everyone! You can get fancy with flavors if you'd like, but again fruit has calories and if your plan is to slim down, be careful not to add too much!

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