Thursday, December 18, 2014

Join me in the Plank challenge!

Challenging yourself can be so much fun! I think it's more fun to compete with yourself and set new goals than to compete with others sometimes. Don't get me wrong, this one is definitely fun to do with a partner as well, and I always try and hold out a little longer than my boyfriend when we do this together ;) 

The challenge is to pick a few and do them in this sequence everyday for a week. You can do them before your workout, when you wake up in the morning, before bed, on break at work, or anytime that fits into your schedule. It doesn't take a lot of time, just a lot of dedication! 

  Plank Type
Classic low plank
Spiderman Plank
One-legged Plank
Side Plank with lift (left)

Side Plank with lift (right)
Classic low Plank

You can change the table completely, by adding in your favorite variations of planks, and taking out ones you dislike. I always like to have a more traditional plank to start and finish. If your not yet able to do this for 6 minutes, you can always go with one less plank and as you strengthen from this workout, you definitely should add a few in. The point is to hold a plank for a minute and give yourself a 30 second break in between. The side planks, or the planks where you are using only one leg or arm you will divide the minute between the two sides, and as you get stronger you can do each side for a minute a piece. 
When doing the plank, try and hold everything in. You will be using several muscles throughout your body to maintain this form and your spine should be in complete alignment when you are in good form. 

Plank one is the classic low plank, you just hold this position. 
Plank two is the top of a push-up plank, you just hold this position.
Plank three is the low spiderman plank, you alternate bringing your knee to your shoulder.
Plank four is the mountain climber plank, you alternate bringing your knee to your chest. You can do this slowly and target your abs with each time you pull your leg in, or quickly. 
Plank five is the lifting side plank, in this image I am lifting and going back down to starting position, using my ab muscles to lift. Another variation is to just hold in the lifted position on the side for the side plank. 
Plank six is the single-leg plank, but you can add a pulse to make it harder or hold position two and add a donkey kick. 

There are so many ways to do a plank. Have fun with it, mix it up and challenge yourself! 

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